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About UK Eventing

UK Eventing is a student run organization to allow students to compete at the intercollegiate level. Through UK Eventing, our members have the ability to share their love for the sport of eventing with those who are students like them. 

Membership options


This membership is designed for those who want to compete with UK in one or more intercollegiate challenges during the semester. Competitive members generally have a horse with them at school and the desire to compete at the local, national, or international level. As a competitive member, one receives many benefits such as discounts for team clinics, access to team gear, team housing for specific events, and a $25 discount from USEA annual membership fee. 


This membership type is designed for members who would like to be involved in the eventing community during college but do not have the intention of competing in any intercollegiate challenges during the semester. 

Commonly asked Questions:

Do I need to have my own horse?

Although a horse is not required to be on the team it is often preferred (as horses to ride will not be provided). Our competitive members most typically have their own horses that they own and compete, while our social membership is mostly shifted to those who do not own and compete their horse.

Do I need to bring a car?

It is strongly recommended that those members who have brought their horse to school has their own vehicle (this will provide transportation to the barn). 

Does the team have their own barn/trainer?

Our team does not have a team barn or trainer. Our members board their horses at locations that they choose and choose their trainer as well. If you would like to see a barn name and contact list, reach out to us through social media or email!

Have more questions?

Visit our FAQ page HERE.

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