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Our Sponsors


Hound & Hare is a lifestyle brand that is redefining countryside chic and sporting clothing style by introducing new luxury brands and from Britain and the US. Hound & Hare is a loved company by our team, and we are grateful to be able to show off our beautiful boots the company has allowed our members to have. 

Thank you Hound & Hare! 

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FITS is a riding apparel company dedicated to making products that are reliable and comfortable for equestrian athletes. We have been lucky enough to work with FITS to provide our members with the high quality riding breeches and apparel that FITS provides.

Thank you FITS!


Wise Choice Tack & Supply is a local tack store here in our home of Lexington, KY. Wise choice has become such a valuable resource to our team and always provides us with the most optimal products for our horses and riders.

Thank you Wise Choice!

Clearview Leathercare

Clearview Leathercare is a family owned business that provides our team with the best tack cleaner in town! We are always proud to show off our tack at competitions knowing it was cleaned with Clearview leather care.

Thank you Clearview Leathercare!


Fleeceworks is the saddle pad of choice for our team! We are luck to have been able to work with fleeceworks to get the high quality saddle pads we trust for our members and their horses!

Thank you Fleeceworks!


Bluegrass Animal Products is a local company who works to help our horses feel the absolute best they can be. Through supplements, probiotics, and more, Bluegrass animal products keep our horses in top form.

Thank you Blue Grass Animal Products!

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